
Theories about fear are found in all wisdom traditions, but we need the experience of transforming fear from within, by making it personal with a sprinkling of love and kindness. — Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Fearless Course with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Throughout our human history, we have searched for a better way, tool, or remedy to overcome fear and enjoy greater happiness. In this course, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche explains that we have been looking in the wrong direction! Instead of searching outside, we need to turn our gaze inward to transform fear. There are two types of fear, he says, wise and mistaken. We don’t need to worry about w se fear as it can help us. It is our mistaken fear that causes so much pain and confusion. Rinpoche shows us how to recognize and befriend fear with love and kindness, relaxation, and a healthy dose of humor.

“When we experience fear and confusion, we look outside for a remedy for our fear. But the remedies are inside.”

What is Included

*All courses and meditations are included in paid subscriptions along with all short videos, articles, and quotes. If you wish to become a paid subscriber, please register HERE.

Free subscriptions include the Be Wise, Go Kind, Live Fully course, selected meditations, all short videos, quotes, and articles, with a new video uploaded monthly. If you wish to purchase Fearless, please register HERE.

Session 1: The Search

We constantly search for another tool or remedy to lessen our fear and increase our happiness. How do I recognize my habit of looking outside myself for relief from fear and confusion?

Session 5: Finding Balance

When our mind and body are calm and balanced, we then can explore our fear with a sense of open-ness, curiosity. How do I balance mind and body?

Session 2: Two Types of Fear

There are two types of fear: wise fear and mistaken fear. Wise fear can be beneficial; mistaken fear can cause pain and suffering. How do I become aware of the difference?

Session 6: Add a Little Love

The heart of all wisdom traditions includes loving-kindness. By adding a sprinkling of love and kindness, we can transform our fear. How do I add love and kindness when I explore fear?

Session 3: Add Humor to Fear

Fear is neither positive nor negative. It’s all about how you relate to it. Having a sense of humor helps. How do I learn not to take things too seriously, and include humor and openness?

Session 7: Enjoy the Ride

Fear of the unknown, of change and transition, is very common. We’re afraid of losing control. How do I let go of the wheel and let someone else drive, without becoming a backseat driver?

Session 4: Stay Calm Be Mindful

To begin transforming fear, we first need mindfulness and awareness to create a foundation of calmness. What happens to fear when I look at it with a calm mind?

About Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche is the founder of freshmind®. Some know him as a Gen Xer-Rebel Buddha, others as one of the foremost scholars and meditation masters of his generation in the Nyingma and Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism. However he is known, his warm inclusive humor, kindness, and wise teachings that lead to genuine knowledge and a wholehearted engagement in one’s life remain his undisputed hallmark.

Rinpoche is the founder, president, and spiritual director of Nalandabodhi, an international community of Buddhist centers. Recognized for launching the kindness initiative #GoKind, Rinpoche is also an author, poet, photographer, and visual artist. His books include Rebel Buddha, Emotional Rescue, and Mind Beyond Death, among others. For more information, visit his website: dpr.info

Short Videos

Seeing And Believing

Are you sure that what you believe is in line with your perception? Rinpoche explains.


Trusting Your Potential

Opportunities are all around us, but we may not recognize them, let alone know how to seize them. ...


Love Is…

Love is tricky! We all want to be loved, and we look for it from the moment we are born, expecting ...


Four Tips For Making A Difference

It is all too easy to become overwhelmed with the global challenges and local issues facing us ...


Is Your Mindfulness Stressing You Out?

We need mindfulness and relaxation to discover mind’s true nature, but balancing the two is not ...


The Art of Living Together

It's easy to become distracted these days and lose our deep and loving connection with family, ...


Peace In The Midst Of Violence

Extending compassion to people causing harm is very important, but we misunderstand what that ...


How to Respond to Bullying

There are negative and positive ways to react to a bully. Negative reactions empower them. The ...


Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is the first step to being kind to others. But being kind is often ...


Be Patient with Yourself

We need patience and practice to work with our emotions, yet what we want is a quick fix or a ...



One Breath Meditation

One Breath Meditation is a simple method you can use anywhere, anytime, to bring you back to the ...


Body Breath and Being in Balance

Body Breath and Being in Balance enhances our sense of presence, awareness, and kindness — ...


Getting to Know Our Emotions

Getting to Know Our Emotions is a meditation that brings awareness to our emotional patterns, ...


Gaining Insight

Gaining Insight is a meditation and reflection practice. By combining meditation with careful ...


Pause & Relax

Pause & Relax is a short but potent meditation. It introduces a moment of awareness, which can ...


Calm Abiding

Calm abiding is a foundational meditation practice. It connects us with the qualities and ...


Notice Savor & Relax

Notice Savor & Relax is an appreciation practice that enriches our life. First, we notice the ...


Posture & Breathing

The seven point posture provides the stablity and foundation we need in meditation. Then we use our ...



The Art Of Living Together

As a world community, we have one shared heart.

Mindfulness from the Outside In

Our mind is dramatic, a great storyteller, so working with mind is really fun.

Puzzling the Pieces

Each of us is indispensable in completing the puzzle of life, in completing a perfect world.

Living Wide Awake

If we can penetrate and see the reality of our mind, in this very moment, then awakening or ...


Theories about fear are found in all wisdom traditions, but we need the experience of transforming ...

Be Wise, Go Kind, Live Fully

We may want to discover a deeper insight into the reality behind all these appearances, so that we ...